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Von Willebrand Disease Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Von Willebrand Disease is a most common hereditary bleeding disorder that affects the blood's ability to clot properly and caused by a deficiency or defect of a blood clotting protein. Now disorder means it is passed form parent to child through genes. Von Willebrand's Disease occurs from birth and affects both men and women equally. Most cases are mild and in some cases bleeding may occur after srgery. Bleeding also may decrease during pregnancy. Normally bleeding is occurring when blood vessels are cut or torn. The symptoms of von Willebrand disease may change during the time. There are normally 3 types of Von Willebrand:

Type 1: Type1 is the most common and mildest form of von willebrand. 70 to 80% people are inherited by autosomal dominant mode.

Type 2: Depending on the abnormality the type 2 is further divided in two parts 2A, 2B, 2M, and 2N. Type 2 disease is intermediate in severity.

Type3: In this type the people have total absence of von Willebrand factor. It is an exceedingly rare variant which occurs million of individuals.

Causes of Von Willebrand: The common cause of Von Willebrand disease is hereditary defect in the gene. Which control the factor of von Willebrand. It is a genetic factor and occurs in both male and female. A family history increases the risk of Von Willebrand. Immune problems may develop the von willebrand, use of medicine also lead the cancer, depression and may cause von Willebrand. Some chemicals also increase the risk of von willebrand.

Symptoms of von Willebrand : Some times in most of people any signs are absent. Some people with type1 have no more bleeding than members. Some sign of von Willebrand are:

• Frequent bleeding from nose and mouth
• Bleeding gums or bleeding after dental work
• Heavy menstrual bleeding
• Slow blood clotting time
• Bleeding in the intestines, muscles, stomach or joints in severe cases
• Bleeding from shaving with a razor
• Easy bruising
• Bleeding from mucous membranes
• Family history of bleeding tendency

Precaution from von Willebrand: Most important precaution is avoided drugs and medicine like Aspirin and other no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Some natural supplement such as fish oils and ginkgo may also influence bleeding. Preventing from von willebrand disease is a very challenging job.

Treatment of von Willebrand: Von Willebrand is a lifelong problem. So take treatment at early stages of this disease doctor can treat it effectively. The treatment will depend on the type of disorder. Doctor will prescribe you some medicine according to the symptoms. Some treatments like Decompressing this medicine is used to decrease the blood loss, some therapies replace the clotting factors, some Birth control pills help to control menstrual periods in women. Avoid that medicine which affects bleeding. Follow proper advice of your doctor and take proper treatment.


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