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Showing posts from March 13, 2011

Ulcer Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Ulcer is a painful wound stomach problem. Peptic ulcer is a sore it occurs inside the stomach are called gastric ulcers. It is a hole in the lining of stomach or duodenum called gastric ulcer. Adults are mostly affected by peptic ulcers in their lifetimes between the age of 35 t0 50 years. When ulcer is in stomach is called gastric ulcer, when it is in duodenum called duodenum ulcer, if it is in esophagus then its called esophageal ulcer. Peptic ulcer destroyed stomach acid and gastric juice. It is very common condition through out the world lots of people is affected. Causes of Peptic Ulcer : Stress and Diet is the big cause of ulcer. It occurs when acid in the digestive system eats at the inner surface of stomach, esophagus or small intestine its create abdominal pain and may be bleed. Ulcer is also caused by Helicobacter pylori it is found in the stomach and damga tissue and sometime disrupts the mucous layer. It can be affected from person to person. Smoking is another risk of ul

Diarrhea Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Diarrhea is a type of stomach problem. Diarrhea is the condition which having bowl movements that are loose and watery movements with the loss of fluids it can cause dehydration. It is a second common cause of death and appears rapidly. Diarrhea can get at all ages of people. Generally five types of diarrhea: 1) Osmotic : It occurs when too much water is drawn in to the bowel and passing watery stool. It is caused by the digestive system such as food sugar alcohol and its result of pancreatic disease, celiac disease or laxatives. 2) Secretory : It is caused by secretion of salt and water, increase in the active secretion. The most common cause of Secretory diarrhea is a cholera toxin. 3) Motility-related diarrhea : It occurs when the gastrointestinal becomes abnormally high. In this the food moves quickly and water is not absorbed properly. Complications of mensturation, diabetic neuropathy are the cause of motility diarrhea. 4) Exudative : It occur limning of the colon, presence of

Flu Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Flu is just like an infection which is caused by influenza A or B viruses. Flu is usually spread by the sneezes and cough of a person. Flu is also spread from one person to another. There are large number of people in all over the world who is infected by flu. It is affected to all age of people. There are three types of viruses in FLU: Influenza virus A : Type A viruses is cause from the serve viruses. It is infected by people as well as animal. Wild bird commonly acts in this flu viruses. Influenza virus B : This virus is infected from the human. Type B flu is very harmful for person. Influenza virus C : Type C virus is infected from human, dogs and pigs. It causes from illness and epidemics. It is usually causes in children. Causes of Flu : Flu is caused in the form of three viruses Influenza virus A, Influenza virus B and Influenza virus C. It is mostly occurs in the winter seasons. When people suffering from flu sneeze, cough or touch something and share anything from other then

Typhoid Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Typhoid is a serious infection and life-threatening disease. It is a type of fever which is called typhoid fever. Typhoid fever is caused by bacteria Salmonella typhosa from a food, water or with infected person. Typhoid causes death more than 21 million people is affected in all over the world. It is a common disease which is affected all age of people it is transmitted from one person to another through the water or food. Typhoid fever has various names like slow fever, abdominal typhus, gastric fever, nervous fever, infantile remittent fever and so on all are very affected. Causes of Typhoid : Mainly the typhoid fever is by the bacteria called Salmonella typhoid and it is spread by food, drink or water and bacteria can also spread in the bloodstream, lymph or liver. Other causes include Malaria, with viral fever, infection stools. Symptoms of Typhoid : It is slowly progressive disease and symptoms of typhoid are high fever, headaches, weakness, many patient are suffering from abdom

Hepatitis Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Hepatitis is the inflammation, irritation or swelling of the liver. It include viral infection of the liver, it is transmitted to one person to another through the water or direct through the infected person. Hepatitis is presence in the tissue of the organs. There are generally three types of hepatitis: Hepatitis A : It is caused by infected food and drinking water with a virus (HAV) Hepatitis A Virus. It is also cause by Anal-oral contact during sex and causes are swelling in the liver. It is most common in children. Hepatitis B : It is caused by the infected person, infected blood or body fluid and also caused by hepatitis B virus, unprotected sex, drug needles, infected women to her baby at the time of birth. Hepatitis C : It is caused same like hepatitis B with an infected person or body fluid. Hepatitis causes swelling in the liver, damage the liver. Causes of Hepatitis : Hepatitis is caused by the some toxic chemicals, excessive alcohol with an infected person from a hepatitis

Anemia Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Anemia is one of the most common blood disorder diseases. Anemia is that condition in which the body has not enough red blood cells or hemoglobin is less than normal. Hemoglobin is the oxygen carrying pigment it is found in red blood cell and red blood cell provides oxygen to blood tissue or body tissue. Hemoglobin is found in red blood cell. In America there are million of people are affected by it. When red blood cell low the body feel tired due to lack of oxygen. There are three mechanism of anemia: • Excessive destruction of RBCs • Inadequate production of RBCs • Blood loss Causes of Anemia : The main cause of anemia is lack of blood, lack of red blood cell in the body. Another cause is lack Fluid overload (lack of hemoglobin), due to sodium or water retention, loss of destruction of blood, due to poor diet. Anemia is also caused by malaria, external bleeding, and chronic disease. Anemia may be become life long problem. Symptoms of Anemia : Due to lack of red blood cell the body h

Heart Attack Causes, symptoms and Treatment

Heart attack is very dangerous disease it occurs when muscles does not have enough blood, heart does not receive enough oxygen. Heart attack is also known as myocardial infarction. This reduction occurs when blood muscles is blocked. Heart attack is also caused by coronary artery. Every year we can see the lots of cases of heart attack it is affected both men and women, increase the risk of death. It is also a long lasting disease. Causes of Heart Attacks : Heart attacks occurs the result of coronary artery disease and the build up material in this called plague. There are several reasons which increase the causes of heart attacks like due to drugs, with high blood pressure, emotional pain or stress, Lack of oxygen blood flow, previous injuries, and family history of heart disease, increasing, diet problem. All these facts increase the risk of heart attack all these causes damage to the heart. Symptoms of Heart Attacks : Every disease has lots of symptoms. There are some symptoms of h

Epilepsy Seizure Types, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment.

Epilepsy is a type of brain disorder. It is a common chronic neurological disorder diagnosed by seizures. Epilepsy can be controlled but not cure. It is most common in young children and people over the age of 65. Seizures associated with epilepsy it disturbed the brain system and causes problem in the nervous system and brain it is scaring problem person may lose consciousness, has no control and involuntary motions. There are different types of seizures : Partial Seizures : Focal or discrete area of the brain. Subparts of partial Seizures: Simple Partial Seizures : This seizure is different from person to person and it depends on the part of brain which is affected. Complex Partial Seizures : It causes impairment of consciousness; person has funny face, distress and surprise. It is usually for 30 seconds and 2 minutes. Generalized seizures : It is the larger area of the brain. Subparts of generalized seizures: Absence Seizures : It is most common problem in children. It just for fe

Autism Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Autism is type of spectrum disorder it affects in the first three year of life. Mainly the autism effects on normal brain function and the communication of person. Autism spectrum disorder is caused by a brain abnormality. In autism spectrum disorder persons have same symptoms. Children with autism have difficulties in relationship with other children are not able to interact with people. Autism is a life long disease and a child faces many problems at early age. It is very complex disease and associated with birth defects. Mostly autism affects boys more than girl. Causes of Autism : Autism is physical problem related with brain. There are some common causes of autism like genetic factor and genetic is very complex like it happens with twins may be both have autism, abnormalities in children, functional damages to the central nervous system, due to diet, some mental stress during the time of pregnancy or physiological factors. Symptoms of Autism : Usually parents can easily find the

Chicken Pox Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Chicken pox is that type of disease which occurs in childhood. Chicken pox is common under the age of 12 but it can be affected to anyone. Another name of chicken pox is varicella. It is common illness which causes red spots, itchy rashes in all over the body. Generally in children it is not so serious problem but it is dangerous for pregnant women, teens, adult and newborn baby. Chicken pox is common in the month of march and every year we can see lots of cases of chicken pox, it is just like virus it stay in your body at long time and there are chances of virus becomes active again. Chickenpox is very infectious and painful disease. Causes of Chicken Pox : It is that type of disease which can easily pass from family’s member and it is caused by the Varicella-zoster virus. Once this virus is entered in your body then it reproduces lymph node of your body. Chicken pox is easily spread in 3 to 4 days before the rashes appear. It can easily get from infected person who cough, sneeze or

Plague Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Plague is an infectious disease which is caused by bacteria, and other small animals infected by fleas. It is a very dangerous and deadly disease perhaps any other infectious disease. It is just like a viral if one person is affected from plague then it spread from one person to another. If we detected it early it can be treated with antibiotic. It is usually occur in summer months. People who are under the age of 20 have a great risk for this disease. There are generally three types of plague: Bubonic plague : It is a most common form of plague. It occurs when infected flea bites a person. It is the cause of Black Death. The symptoms are like painful swollen, generally feeling ill, high fever. It does not spread from person to person. Septicemia Plague : In this form of plague the plague bacteria multiply in the blood and it travel any part of the body. It is usually fatal and early treatment reduces the mortality rate. Pneumonic plague : It is most virulent form of plague and infec