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Showing posts from June 26, 2011

Insomnia Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Sleep is very essential for a person’s health, in whole of the world millions of people do not get the enough sleep because of this the human suffer from lack of sleep. Insomnia is that disease in which you getting difficulty to sleep or staying asleep. In this disease person have poor experience of sleep or has trouble sleeping. Insomnia has some points like difficulty in sleep, waking up too early in the morning, not feeling fresh after night sleep. Insomnia is very common disease which affects people of all ages including children. Women’s are affected more as like as men. Primary insomnia is caused by physical or mental condition and secondary insomnia is caused by a medical condition, cancers or depression means difficulty in having sleep because of something else. Insomnia can be divided in to two parts Acute (short-term) : Acute Insomnia is last then a week, unable to consistently sleep well. Chronic (ongoing) : Long term problem is called chronic insomnia, having symptoms at l