Kidneys are the most important part of organs. There are several types of cancers which can easily develop in the kidneys. There are two types of kidney cancer are renal cell cancer and urothelial cell carcinoma and renal cancer is most common type of cancer in adults. It starts to develop in the lining of kidneys tubules that is called tumor . Common types of kidney cancers are Squamous cell carcinoma, Mesoblastic nephroma, Clear-cell sarcoma of the kidney, renal oncocytoma, Angiomyolipoma. Causes of Kidney Cancers : Kidney cancer is common in men and women. Smoking increase the risk as much as of kidney cancer, people who have heavy weight get this cancer, person who have high blood pressure, having any kidney disease, genetic condition, family history which happens other member of the family increase the risk of kidney cancer. Symptoms of Kidney Cancer : We can easily find the most commonly symptoms of kidney cancer but we can't take it seriously like blood in the urine, feve