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Showing posts from July 15, 2012

HIV Causes Symptoms and Treatment

What is HIV? HIV is the infection now spread to many countries in the world. About 40 million people are currently living with HIV/AIDS infection and 25 million have died from this infection.HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV is like virus including the causes of flu. HIV virus infects human being and other blood cells which lead to problems with their immune system. AIDS is condition caused by HIV virus and most advanced stage of infection. AIDS is the final stage of HIV and a group of symptoms and disease associated with the damage HIV. The difference between AIDS and HIV is that means if anyone having AIDS then He/she is HIV positive that damage your immune system. AIDS is not a single disease caused by HIV. Causes of HIV : HIV can be caused on because the virus is present in the bloo

Pinworm Causes Symptoms and Treatment

What is Pinworm? Pinworm is an intestinal infection or a type of little worm caused by tiny parasitic worms. These parasites are also known as threadworms or seatworms. Pin worm is most common infection in united states. Pinworms are small, white and thin measuring about 1/4 inch to 1/2 in length. These problems are most common in school age children and its egg spread directly from person to person or children to children. They can spread by touching food bedding or other items of if children scratch their bottom or neglect to wash hand after using bathroom. Adults are less affected from pinworms. About 40 millions of people are infected from pinworm in US. Causes of pinworm : A pin worm is infected due to the poor hygiene when you accidentally swallow pinworm eggs or someone with pinworms scratches around the anus and touches you or a surface that you later touch.Over the next several weeks egg mature and hatch in to adult worm. Pinworm spread easily in school children, families, c

Hives Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Hives? Hives is also known as urticaria. Simply meaning of hives are red welts, raised, itching appear in varying shapes and sizes on the surface of skin. Hives are appear anywhere on the body like throat, lips, face or ears. Rashes produce an allergic reaction to medicine or food. Hives can change size and move around one place and reappearing in other place. There are some types of hives: Acute hives : This type of reaction is usually less than six weeks. It is usually caused due to food allergen. Chronic hives : This type of hives appears at least six week or more. The cause of chronic hives is unknown yet. Physical hives : Mostly caused by scratching or due to cold, sunlight, heat, exercise or fresh water. These skin reactions generally appear after rubbing and disappear with in 30 minutes. Solar hives : Solar hives are caused on areas which have been exposed to sun. It occurs very rarely. Solar hives appear immediately into the sun and disappear about an hour. Cholinergic