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Ringworm Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Ringworm?

Ringworm is a type of highly fungal skin infections that causes ring-like red rashes on the skin. There are many type of fungal and some can affect the nails, skin and hair. It can affect adults but Children are specially affected by ringworm. These rashes may appear anywhere on the body. Dogs, pets or cats may be a source of transmitting the disease in human body. The medical term of ringworm is tinea.

Causes: It is common it affect people of all ages, especially among children’s. It is caused by fungus not caused by a worm. Some of these fungus bacteria are useful while other can cause infection and spread easily from one person to another.

You can get ringworm by touching an infected cat or dog. Ringworm of the scalp can spread when children share hats, brushes or combs. It can spread by sharing towels, sport gear or clothing. The fungus bacteria can spread in warm, moist areas.

Sign and Symptoms:
·         Itchy red rashes on your skin
·         In most serious cases your skin may become blister and raised.
·         In scalp ringworm patchy hair losses, itchy scalp
·         Red patches around the outside with normal skin
·         Ringworm in nails become discolored thick, and even crumbles
·         Ringworm in hair has bald patches

·         Keep your skin dry and clean
·         Wash clothes, towels and bed linen frequently
·         Don't wear clothing that irritates the area
·         Not to touch or scratch the spot
·         Wash your hand immediately
·         Apply lotions or creams on affected area

Treatment: Doctor will recognize the rashes of ringworm and may prescribe anti-fungal medicine. Tell everything to doctor about the symptoms, excessive redness, swelling and fever. Your rashes may clear soon after you start treatment but according to doctor advice keep using the cream for long time. Doctor will prescribe you all medicine and creams according to your problem. So, if you see the rashes on your body and don’t improve in two week then see your doctor immediately.


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