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Showing posts from September 23, 2012

Gum Disease Causes Symptoms and Treatment

What is Gum Disease? Gum disease is an infection of the bones and tissues urrounded and supports the teeth. It is  very common problem in younger or adult people  can be happen with  all ages of people like children’s can get gum disease too and cause serious pain in teeth. There are two types of Gum Disease: Gingivitis: Many People have gingivitis disease and cause the gums to become red, swollen and bleed easily when teeth are brushed. Gingivitis is often caused by inadequate oral hygiene and untreated gingivitis can be advance to periodontitis . Periodontitis : Periodontitis causes the gum and bacteria can grow that damages the teeth. Plaque can spread the gum and toxins produced by the bacteria in plaque. Gums can also shrink and back from the teeth. Untreated gum can cause very serious problem, causing teeth to become loose or fall out. Causes of Gum Disease : Gums are serious infection disease caused by bacteria that are normally in the mouth and can be cause by va