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Showing posts from January 9, 2011

Cancer types, Causes and Symptoms

Cancer types and Symptoms Cancer is one of the most significant diseases in human body. Cancer is start with abnormal cell and grows out of control. Cancer spread very fastly and extent infection in body. Its cells spread from one part to another part of our body through blood and lymph system. Symptoms and signs of Cancer: Cancer is just like a group of disease. The symptoms of cancer will depend that from which part of the body is affect. The symptoms of cancer are swelling in the body, bleeding from the mouth, skin, and pain. Some symptoms are different like excessive sweating, weight loss, low blood count, lymph node (under the skin) and other specific condition. Some signs are depend on the type of cancer. Bones are also affected with cancer. Causes of Cancer: There are lots of causes for cancer in human life. One of the main cause is environmental factor due to genetics, pollutions, chemicals. Life style is another factor of cancer such as Tobacco, smoking, diet, chemicals, due t