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Showing posts from June 5, 2011

Pulmonary Edema Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Pulmonary edema : The general meaning of edema means swelling. Pulmonary edema is that condition which is caused by too much fluid in the lungs, which leads to shortness of breath and swelling. It includes impaired gas exchange and cause respiratory failure, heart not removing fluid from blood circulation it occurs to the lung parenchyma. This will also cause too much pressure in the blood vessels which not occupied enough protein. Pulmonary edema can become a serious life threatening disease. It is also caused by acute serve, asthma or exercising. Causes of Pulmonary edema : Most often pulmonary edema causes due to heart failure or other infections. When heart fails then lung starts to rise also causes from high pressure in blood vessels due to poor heart function, heart attack. It is also caused by directly damaged to the lungs Some other risk of Pulmonary edema: Kidney failure: When your kidney fails to remove waste then it causes pulmonary edema. Lung Infections: When edema is occu

Gallstones Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Gallstones are small stone and most common digestive disease that form in your gallbladder. The gallbladder is a pear shaped organ (small in size) located below your liver and store the bile. Bile is watery liquid made by cell which is important for digesting food in the intestine. It contain several different substances include water, cholesterol, bile salts, proteins, fats and bilirubin. Bilirubin is a yellowish pigment found in bile, there are two types of gallstones. Cholesterol stones : cholesterol stones make up of 80% gallbladder stones. It is usually yellowish-green in color. It blocks the normal flow of bile. It reduces irregular discharge of gall juice. Pigment stones : Pigment stones are small dark black stone which is excess bilirubin in the bile. They develop in those people who have biliary tract infections, cirrhosis and hereditary blood disorders. Women are more affected from gallstones as like as man. Causes of gallstones : gallstones are causes when bile forms solid

Gastroenteritis Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Gastroenteritis is that condition which causes inflammation and irritation of the stomach and intestine. This condition can afflict both female and male at any age. Gastroenteritis has many names like Tummy flu, Stomach bug, Gastric flu and Intestinal flu. Food poisoning is also a type of gastroenteritis. It can be transferred by contact with contaminated water and food. In most cases gastroenteritis is caused by infection, viruses and bacteria which resulting in vomiting and diarrhea. Causes of Gastroenteritis : Gastroenteritis is an infection disease and these infections are caused from virus and bacteria. Bacteria and viruses can spread through contaminated food or water. The infection of gastroenteritis is spread through from one person to another person because of improper hand wash. Some causes are food allergies, heavy metals and other medicines. Many types of viruses can cause gastroenteritis. Most common types are: Astrovirus : This virus is mostly affected to young children

Meningitis Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Meningitis is an infection of the fluid which cover the spinal cord and brain of person. Meningitis is a disease which is usually caused by number of infection like bacteria or viral infection. The infection is mostly occurs in teens, children and young adults also have a risk for that people who have long term health problem like weakened immune system. There are commonly two main type of meningitis: Viral meningitis : Viral meningitis is most common type of meningitis and less infected than bacterial meningitis of the fluid in the spinal cord. Usually viral meningitis does not cause serious illness. Bacterial meningitis : Bacterial meningitis is very serious infection. Severe bacterial meningitis can result in brain damage and death. In this type it is important to know that which type of bacteria is causing because we can prevent it from spreading. There are three types of bacteria: Haemophilus influenzae : It is also known as Hib. Neisseria meningitidis : It is primary disease of