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Showing posts from April 17, 2011

Dengue Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Dengue is a type of mosquito-borne infection fever also called break bone fever. It is caused by family viruses transmitted by bite of an Aedes mosquito. It occurs when a mosquito bite an infected person the bite an uninfected person. It is flu like virus hemorrhagic fever. We can see every year 100 of peoples are affected by dengue fever. Dengue is serious viral disease and causes death among the children. Causes of Dengue : Dengue fever is usually caused by the bite of the female striped Aedes mosquito. These type of mosquitoes breed in the rain reasons and found in dirty water, water store in plastic bags. It causes the high temperature fever and also caused by family member who is infected by viruses. Dengue is mostly occurring in children. Mosquito bite in early morning and the late afternoon. Symptoms of Dengue : There are lots of sign and symptoms of dengue that are: most common symptom is high fever, joint pain, bone pain, headache, and pain upon moving the eyes, pain from sev