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Showing posts from November 4, 2012

Heart Blockage Causes Symptoms and Treatment

What is Heart Blockage? Heart block is a disease that occurs with heart's electrical system as opposed to coronary artery disease. , It occurs when electrical pulses controls the beating of heart are disrupted. The heart system controls the rhythm and rates of heart system. Some people born with this problem while others are develop during their lifetimes. If it occurs with born it’s called congenital. If the heart block develops after birth, it's called acquired heart block. There are three types of heart blockage: First Degree : First Degree is the last serve, in this electrical impulses are slowed and it cause rarely. Generally no treatment is necessary for first heart block. Second Heart Block : In this the electrical impulses are delayed further or some of electrical impulses are unable to reach the ventricles. Third degree Heart Block : Third degree is most served when none of the electrical impulses reach the ventricles. Ventricular escape beats are very sl