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Showing posts from September 4, 2011

Cushing’s Syndrome Causes Symptoms and Treatment

What is Cushing’s syndrome ? Cushing’s syndrome is a hormonal disorder which is caused by high level of the hormone cortisol refers to the emotional and physical difficulties. It is complex hormonal condition which affects many parts of the body like fatty hump between shoulders, round face, purple and pink stretch marks on your skin. The common cause of Cushing’s syndrome is hypercortisolism. Cushing syndrome may also result in bone loss, high blood pressure and diabetes. Causes of Cushing's syndrome : Cushing's syndrome is occurs when body expose to excessive levels of cortisol and the common cause is steroid medication, corticosteroid medications. These drugs are used to treat inflammatory disease like asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. Too much cortisol is caused by when pituitary gland makes too much hormone and produce cortisol. Adrenal tumor often causes Cushing’s syndrome these cases involve non-cancerous tumors which release cortisol in to the blood. Men’s are affec

Graves Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Graves’s disease ? Graves’s disease is an autoimmune disorder which result from the production of thyroid hormones number of disorder may result. Increased thyroid hormones are called thyrotoxicosis( About Thyrotoxicosis ). The hormones affect brain development, nervous system, breathing and heart. Thyroid is the small gland in the front of neck. In this immune system attack the thyroid gland and producing too much thyroxin. Mostly graves are found in women rather than men these attacks between the ages of 20 to 40 years. Some thyroid hormones help to regulate control and growth metabolism in the body. Causes of Graves : It is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of graves. Graves’s disease may be occurring due to family history. It is caused by disjunction in the body's disease and abnormal immune system which cause thyroid gland. Doctors also make other factors like pregnancy, gender, age, environment and stress. Causes of

Ulcerative Colitis Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Ulcerative Colitis? Ulcerative Colitis is an inflammatory disease of the large intestine called ulcer which cause ulceration of inner lining and inflammation of the colon and rectum. Ulcerative colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. The inflammation usually begins in sigmoid colon and rectum and produce redness, pus and bleeding which cause diarrhea and abdominal pain. When entire colon is affected it is called pan colitis and left side of colon is affected it is called distal or limited colitis. It affects both men and women equally and run in families. It occurs at any age common in the ages of 15-40 and less common in 50-70. Causes of Ulcerative Colitis : The exact cause of ulcerative is still unknown. But some causes are genetic factor, it appears run to families, Aggregation of ulcerative colitis in families. Environmental factor: some diet which may encourage inflammation, smoking, breastfeeding, other childhood i

Acromegaly Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Acromegaly ? Acromegaly is a chronic metabolic disorder in which body produce too much hormones after puberty. It is very rare hormonal disorder and life-threatening condition in which the pituitary gland produces excess growth hormone (GH) which is caused by GH-secreting pituitary tumor. Acromegaly occurs in middle age men and women. When hormones are grow too much in the body then these tissues grow larger than normal. These excessive hormones cause serious disease swelling, tissue growth and skin thickening. If it is untreated then it leads to premature death and serious illness. Acromegaly is occurring rare which affects three to four out of every million people per year. Differential Diagnosis : Untreated, acromegaly is linked to early heart disease, high blood pressure, heart rhythm disorders, diabetes, and colonic polyps, a precursor of colon cancer. Causes of Acromegaly : Acromegaly is caused by long term production of growth hormone and the most common cause is non-

Osteomalacia Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Osteomalacia? Osteomalacia is disease refers to the softening of bones caused by lack of vitamin D deficiency resulting weakness in muscles and bone pain. In children this condition is called rickets (rickets is disorder which is caused by lack of vitamin D). Osteomalacia is occur when our body is not get enough proteins and minerals and cause lack of vitamins due to this the bone becomes weak and break down fast. Osteomalacia is mostly affects to adults, some conditions that affect to children. Osteomalacia is also leads to bone fracture due to a weakness of previously constructed bone. Causes of Osteomalacia : Osteomalacia is occur when a person don't get enough mineral and protein in diet. The common cause of osteomalacia is lack of vitamin D or calcium. Body needs vitamin D to process calcium. Lack of vitamin D is occur due to some reasons like don't get enough diet, not enough exposure to sunshine, some medications, certain surgeries of your stomach which break

Mumps Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What are Mumps? Mumps are a contagious viral disease of the human that leads to painful swelling of the parotid glands also known as saliva glands. Mumps is caused by a virus that usually affects to children but adults can also get it. Mumps spread through saliva and infect many parts of the body like in cheek, neck, below your ears and near your jaw line, these glands become painful and swell. Mumps is that disease which is spread form one person to another through the infected person release virus in the air. Mumps is disease which recovers completely and no long term mark left. Mumps symptoms are seen in 14 to 16 days, during the time virus will multiply in the cells and increase the level of circulating in bloodstream. Causes of Mumps : Mumps are caused by virus (paramyxovirus), many other infections disease is caused by this virus. It is mainly infected salivary glands and reproduces which located below and in front of the ears. It is spread by direct contact of infected person.

Anal fissure Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Anal Fissure? Anal fissure is a small tear in the lining of anus or anal canal. Anyone can affect by fissures but most common in young or middle age people. Anal fissure may cause pain with bowel movements and it can be a long lasting. The fissure can be painful, itching or bleeding. It’s become a difficult problem or cause spasm pain and irritation. Anal fissures do not lead serious problem usually heal within a few weeks. Some complications may arise if anyone have fissure. Causes of Anal fissure : It may occur at any age of people. It is caused by injury to the anal canal or caused by constipation. The anal fissures can develop normal to higher pressure. Many women’s during the child birth are affected by anal fissure. Injuries can happen by Chronic Diarrhea , inflammatory bowel disease, passing hard and large stool, abdominal pain which cause pain, fever. Other causes are longstanding poor bowel habits digital insertion or by other health conditions, a low fiber diets als

Lichenification Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Lichenification? Lichenification refers to chronic thickening of the epidermis seen with exaggeration of normal skin which occurs in area of chronic irritation. Lichenification is due to chronic irritation which results in scratching and rubbing. The skin becomes thickness because the outer layer of the skin becomes hypertrophied. It may be painful or usually it is not so dangerous. Lichenification is also occurring by eczema. It is very common disease which can affect to anyone. It may also arise on seemingly normal skin. Causes of Lichenification : Several itching and irritation may cause this disease. It is just like a cycle means firstly itch, scratch, and irritate which cause itching again and again. Other cause of lichenification is eczema which refers to skin problem and also cause by infection refers bacteria which found in many cases and treated with antibiotic. Diagnosis of Lichenification: • Eczema: Eczema is a chronic disorder which involves rashes and itchy skin.