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Showing posts from January 15, 2012

Cardiogenic Shock Causes Symptoms and Treatment

What is Cardiogenic shock? Cardiogenic shock is a condition in which the heart has been damaged and heart suddenly unable to supply enough blood to meet your body's requirement. This shock decreased pumping ability of the heart. Cardiogenic shock is a complication of variety chronic and acute disorders, it is based upon an inadequate circulation of blood. Most often cardiogenic shock is caused by a severe heart attack which leads to death from oxygen starvation. It is very dangerous for health. Causes of Cardiogenic : Cardiogenic shock occurs when your heart can't pump enough blood. Cardiogenic shock is caused due to damage of the heart muscles by a heart attack. It happens when your heart's main pumping chamber is damages due to lack of oxygen. Cardiogenic is one type of shock other type include vasodilatory (VAZ-oh-DILE-ah-tor-e) shock and hypovolemic (hy-po