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Showing posts from April 24, 2011

Tuberculosis Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Tuberculosis is very serious and infectious disease which is caused by Mycobacterium it is usually affected to your lung and also affected to the other part of your body. Tuberculosis is that bacteria which is spread from one person to another. In tuberculosis the bacteria are not killed but it become inactive. The bacteria are remaining alive in the body for future and become active again in different organ. It can be treated successfully with antibiotic. TB can also move in other part of the body such as kidney, brain and spine. Causes of tuberculosis : Every disease has lots of causes let's discuss something about the causes of tuberculosis. In all cases of tuberculosis it spread from one person to another. Environmental factor increase the risk of tuberculosis where infection of TB is higher than normal. Tuberculosis is also increases by the spread of HIV. Person who is affected by the HIV have facing difficulty to control TB bacteria. It is also increases by the Drug-resist

Paralysis Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Paralysis is the loss of muscles function in to a part of the body. Muscles are a special tissue that enables our body to move. Paralysis occurs due to disease or injury on nervous system which supplies the muscles that moves the part of body. It is also occur when something goes wrong in the brain or in the muscles. Mostly paralysis is affected at the one part of the body but it can also be occurs both sides of your body. Paralysis is most common cause of death and disability. Types of paralysis: Paralysis which include leg is called Paraplegia , Paralysis in the arms and legs is called Quadriplegia , Which is affected one side is called Hemiplegia , Only one limb is called Monoplegia , Which is affected both side of your body is called Diplegia . Causes of Paralysis : Paralysis may be attack individual muscles in which weakness comes and goes. Paralysis is mostly occurs due to some disease like heart attach, stroke, spinal cord injury or broken neck. Most common cause is damage in

Obesity Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Obesity is referred to too much body weight which is greater than of your health. So much body fat has negative effect on your health. Obesity is concerned a long term disease of your health. When we eat too much oily food then it turns in to fat which is store in our bodies. Lots of calories are store in our body and that calories are not getting burnt because of our life style then it referred to as obesity. Nearly one-third of people are affected by obesity. Causes of Obesity : Most often causes of obesity and overweight is lack of energy. If your body required more calories on daily basis then it converted in to fat. Some causes are environmental factor, genetic factor from family members, your life style factors and some amount of physical exercise, pregnant women also gain weight, Some oily food, age older age can gain weight, some illness increase the risk of obesity, enough sleeping and certain drugs also increase the risk of obesity in your body. Symptoms of Obesity : The c

Stroke Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Stroke is called a brain attack or cerebral infarction, Stroke is a very serious condition in the brain. It occurs when interruption of the blood supply to part of the brain, brain can not obtain the blood or oxygen so it causes brain cells to die. There are two types of stroke: Ischemic Stroke : About 80% of stroke is occurs when a thrombus or blood clot that blocks blood flow to part of the brain. Brain tissues are dead by lack of blood. Ischemic stroke include "thrombotic" or "embolic." When a blood clot forms is in one part of body then it is called embolic. Thrombotic caused b blood clot that forms an artery directly leading to the brain. Hemorrhagic Stroke : Hemorrhagic stroke is occurs when a blood vessels ruptures and bleeds around the brain inner and outer layer of the tissues result is lack of blood flow in brain symptoms are headache or head injury. There are two types of hemorrhagic stroke that are intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage. C

Migraine Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Migraine is a type of pain and neurological disease which serve painful headache. Now day’s migraine is very common problem in children, younger and adult lots of people are affected by this. It is affected at all ages of people and occurs without warning but it is mostly found in women. It is caused by the enlargement of blood vessels around the large arteries of the brain because of theses blood vessels nerves are stretch and release chemical. In many people it felt only one side of the head. Causes of Migraine : There are so many reasons of migraine attack lots of causes like: It caused by changes in the trigeminal nerve, imbalance in brain chemicals. Hormonal Changes : Many women’s are suffering from migraine symptoms it occurs in the women during the time pregnancy and menopause also occur around the time of menstrual. Foods : Migraine is also caused by food like alcohol red wine and beer, due to chocolates caffeine-rich drink and aspartame. Stress : Stress is a main problem of h