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Showing posts from February 6, 2011

Arthritis in human body

Arthritis is a group of joint pains which gives result in swelling, pain, infection of the joint and stiffness. Joints are used to move the part of body. In this disease joints are totally affected which is very harmful for us. There are over 100 types of Arthritis Disease. There are some common types of Arthritis Disease like: Osteoarthritis: This type of arthritis affects the larger and small joints of body. Common factors which cause that are excess weight, occupation, injury and genetics. In this the condition will start from minor pain which affect bearing joints like back. Rheumatoid arthritis: It is just like a disorder very long lasting disease which affects many part of the body like hands, knees and wrists. It is also affect other parts of the body like skin, eyes, nerves, muscles and lungs. Lups: It is common types of arthritis usually appear in he women that include itching, skin rashes, hair loss, kidney problem and joint pains. Gout: It is very painful which occurs in joi

Anxiety Disorder Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Anxiety is a group of several disorders. It is a normal reaction to stress, stress before the exam,facing stressful situation and any family tension. It is a dangerous thing in body when we feel threatened. There are five major type of anxiety order like: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): It is a type of anxiety disorder which includes the unwanted thoughts (obsessions), recurrent and repetitive behaviors. In this people are lock again and again; felling dirty hand then washes it many times. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: It is a common chronic disorder. In this the people mostly suffering from fear, exaggerated worry or any tension. Symptoms will include sweating in hand, swelling, depression, muscle tension, headaches, muscle aches Panic Disorder: It is a type of sudden attack of intense terror and apprehension usually accompanied by trembling, confusion, shaking, nausea, dizziness. Some time this attack arise in after 10 mints, change in normal body function, life threading illne

Alzheimer Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Alzheimer's is just type a brain Disease common form of dementia which causes many problems like loss of memory, brain function, thinking and behavior. Alzheimer is a slowly progressive disease of brain and very serious problem in our daily life problems which affects different areas of the brain creating problem in making decision and judgment due to memory loss. It is most common in older people both men and women over the age of 65 years. Causes of Alzheimer Disease: It is complex to understand the causes of Alzheimer disease. But scientist will include some causes like age, family history, environmental factor, genetic and life style factors. This disease is increased by age it starts over the age of 60 or 65 the risk increase 50% and doubles every five year after age. Family History: Another factor is family history family members like brother, sister, mother or child increase the risk of Alzheimer disease. Genetic Factors: There are two types of genes risk gene and determini

Allergies In Human Body

There are lots of allergies and some are high allergies and some are low allergies. Allergies are so common in human body. It is not a disease; it is a natural immune defense just like a reaction. An allergy is included everything from itching eyes, runny nose, platted to skin rashes. Common allergic reactions include hives, eczema, asthma, hay fever attacks, food allergies, and reactions to the venom. All allergies are infected by a disease and lots of people are suffering from this. Each year the number of cases is increases. Causes of Allergies: Let's discuss something about causes of allergies. Mostly the allergies are causes by environmental factors. There are lots of allergies like: Food Allergies: food allergy is most common allergy in human body. Now days mostly people eat junk food it very affected. It is grown by children school age. Few foods are main affected like eggs, peanut, milk (some children’s are affected by milk), Soya, wheat, some dairy product, house hold chem

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma cancer Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma cancer is that type of cancer which starts from in cells called lymphocytes. It is a group of cancer of white blood cell starts in the lymphatic system. Lymphatic system includes Lymphocytes, Lymph, Lymph vessels, Lymphocytes, Lymph nodes or glands. I you are suffering from lymphoma cancer then some of your white blood cell is out of control. This cancer is treated different in children rather than adults. There are two types of lymphocytes cancer: a) Hodgkin lymphoma b) Non- Hodgkin lymphoma Causes of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma cancer: There are following factors which increase the risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma cancer like it increases with the age its common in men and women, some people who are affected with HIV/AIDS increases the risk of lymphoma cancer, environment is also affected this cancer peoples who work in chemical industry, such as solvents, pesticides, or fertilizers. Symptoms of lymphoma cancer : The most common symptoms of this cancer is swelling in lymph

Thyroid cancer Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Thyroid cancer is most common cancer in both men and women. You can see lots of cases of thyroid cancer. This cancer grows of the thyroid gland and always with a discrete nodule within the thyroid. Females are more affected to have thyroid cancer. It is most common after age 30 and increases very fast. It is lies in the front of the neck when it begins it reduce the node of. Types of Thyroid Cancer: Papillary thyroid cancer: usually affected in young females. Follicular thyroid cancer: Medullary thyroid cancer: It is commonly present in the thyroid of gland. Anaplastic thyroid cancer: It is most dangerous cancer it is not responsive to treatment and cause symptoms. Causes of thyroid cancer : This cancer occurs in all age of group. It is difficult to know the causes of thyroid cancer. DNA plays a role it changes according to the cancer. Some risk includes family history, age it is affected more than 40 years of old. Not enough iodine increases the risk of thyroid cancer. Symptoms of Th

Prostate cancer Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Prostate cancer is that form of cancer which develops in the prostate. It is a part of male reproductive system and grows out of control. In adult men prostate is about three centimeters long and weighs is about twenty grams. It is mostly occurs in old men. We can see lots of cases of this cancer in men. It’s around part of the urethra and the tube which carry urine from the bladder. Causes of Prostate cancer : It is a most common cancer in men of all ages. It is a most common in men who are older than 60. Other risk includes age, heredity, including family history, the men is affected with affected father, genetic background the risk of this cancer, Diet is also affected high fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of this cancer. Symptoms of Prostate cancer : Most common symptom is blood in the urine, painful urination, and slow start in urinary system, leakage of urine, lower back pain and pelvis bone. Other symptoms include hip pain, weight loss. It is very dangerous cancer in men.

Pancreatic Cancer Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Pancreatic cancer is that type of cancer which begins in the tissues of your pancreas. Pancreas is large organ in the body which find behind the stomach. This cancer spread rapidly and more common in women than in men. It releases enzymes which help the body to absorb food, protein and carbohydrates. Causes of Pancreatic cancer: It begins on that cells which unconditionally grows. Smoking creates the double risk of pancreatic cancer. Smoking is affected in all types of cancer so try to stop smoking. Second, age this cancer is mostly found between the age of 60 and 80 increases with age. Low diets in fruits and vegetables, high diets in red meat, sugar and soft drink also increase the risk of pancreatic cancer. Family history, most of patients is affected by family members. Genes of family member is responsible for this. Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer: It’s difficult to find the symptoms of this cancer in the beginning; we can easily find it later. Some symptoms are: a) Pain or discomfo