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Pneumonia Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Pneumonia is a infection of lung disease usually caused by bacteria of virus. It can affect one section of your lung or both section of your lung. About 75 percent of people are affected with pneumonia. Mainly there are three common cause of pneumonia that is fungi, bacteria and virus. People can also get pneumonia by accidentally or chemical. In pneumonia you feel difficulty in breathing. Most off people who are infected with pneumonia are died from infection. It is a six leading cause of death problem in united state. Pneumonia is dangerous in older age or already ill. When you are suffering from pneumonia then air sacs your lung then it fills with pus and oxygen has problem to reaching your blood.

Causes of pneumonia: Pneumonia is many possible causes which increase the risk. Most common causes are bacteria, virus and fungi. Let' discuss these causes:

Bacteria: Bacteria are most common cause in adults. This bacteria is called Streptococcus pneumonia. Other possible bacteria’s are haemophilus influenzae, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae. It can attack to anyone and cause serious infection which cover the brain and other parts of body.

Viruses: There are some types of virus which cause pneumonia like flu, influenza A (the flu virus) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and cold. It is mostly occur in younger children more than five year.

Fungi: According to these two fungi is less common cause of pneumonia. Mainly fungies are three types
Coccidioidomycosis (kok-sid-e-OY-do-mi-KO-sis)
Histoplasmosis (HIS-to-plaz-MO-sis)
Cryptococcus (krip-to-KOK-us)
These infections make people weak due to long term of medicine. Other higher risk is cold, flue, due to smoking, alcohol use, chronic lung disease such as asthma.

Symptoms of Pneumonia: In pneumonia symptoms will occur with cough and fever. The symptoms will depend on the health some symptoms are fever, Chest pain that fluctuates with breathing (pleurisy), Muscle pain, facing difficulty in breathing, rapid heartbeat, feeling generally unwell, loss of appetite, sweating and shivering, lack of oxygen in your blood and cough which may be dry.

Precaution from Pneumonia: Try to stay away from pollution, germs, wash hand after gown/glove removal, avoid smoking and be careful to your lungs.

Treatment of Pneumonia: Based on your medical history doctor will check all physical test like x-ray and blood test then doctor will decide that you have pneumonia after that doctor will treated with antibiotic a part from this oxygen treatment and hest physiotherapy. for virus doctor will recommend you medicine. When you see all these symptoms and then consult your doctor for best the treatment of pneumonia.


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