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Ulcer Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Ulcer is a painful wound stomach problem. Peptic ulcer is a sore it occurs inside the stomach are called gastric ulcers. It is a hole in the lining of stomach or duodenum called gastric ulcer. Adults are mostly affected by peptic ulcers in their lifetimes between the age of 35 t0 50 years. When ulcer is in stomach is called gastric ulcer, when it is in duodenum called duodenum ulcer, if it is in esophagus then its called esophageal ulcer. Peptic ulcer destroyed stomach acid and gastric juice. It is very common condition through out the world lots of people is affected.

Causes of Peptic Ulcer: Stress and Diet is the big cause of ulcer. It occurs when acid in the digestive system eats at the inner surface of stomach, esophagus or small intestine its create abdominal pain and may be bleed.

Ulcer is also caused by Helicobacter pylori it is found in the stomach and damga tissue and sometime disrupts the mucous layer. It can be affected from person to person.

Smoking is another risk of ulcer. it is highly increase the risk of ulcer. Regular use of pain killers inflames the lining of stomach and your small intestine.

Some Genetic problems are also increase the risk. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) medicines, ibuprofen creates a problem in stomach, blood flow from the stomach.

Symptoms of ulcer:

Most common symptom is burning pain in your stomach caused by ulcer. Other symptoms are dark blood in your stool, unexplained weight loss, Difficult in getting food, Retching after eating, Nausea and vomiting, blood in your vomiting, also feel pain during the time of sleeping, feeling sick to your stomach, fatigue and weakness.

Precaution from ULCER:

Precaution is very important try to take proper diet and avoid spicy food, avoid smoking, Alcohol. Smoking is biggest cause if avoiding this then it decreases the risk of ulcer. Avoid some medicine like Aspirin.

Treatment of ulcer:

If you feeling pain in your stomach and see all these symptoms then immediately contact to your doctor. Doctor will check you properly and recommend you best treatment and take some test. The treatment of peptic ulcer is long standing.


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