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Chicken Pox Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Chicken pox is that type of disease which occurs in childhood. Chicken pox is common under the age of 12 but it can be affected to anyone. Another name of chicken pox is varicella. It is common illness which causes red spots, itchy rashes in all over the body. Generally in children it is not so serious problem but it is dangerous for pregnant women, teens, adult and newborn baby. Chicken pox is common in the month of march and every year we can see lots of cases of chicken pox, it is just like virus it stay in your body at long time and there are chances of virus becomes active again. Chickenpox is very infectious and painful disease.

Causes of Chicken Pox:

It is that type of disease which can easily pass from family’s member and it is caused by the Varicella-zoster virus. Once this virus is entered in your body then it reproduces lymph node of your body. Chicken pox is easily spread in 3 to 4 days before the rashes appear. It can easily get from infected person who cough, sneeze or share food.

Symptoms of Chicken Pox:

The most common symptoms in chicken pox is fever, headache. In 1 or 2 days the rashes of chicken pox will appear. Some symptoms are itchy rashes, abdominal pain, a dry cough, and weakness, loss of appetite and skin infection. Person who is suffering from chicken pox should not contact with family members. The symptoms are very painful.

Treatment of Chicken Pox:

For the best treatment you can contact to the doctor he will best medicines and best precaution for chicken pox. There are also some home remedies which is helpful for the treatment of chicken pox like:

Sandal wood oil, apply that oil on the rashes.
Coconut oil is also helpful for rashes.
Boil water in a pan and peas in it.
Take a bath from Azadirachta indica (Neem) leaves, It provide best cure.
Drink coriander and carrot juice it is beneficial for chicken pox.
You can use these treatments for home remedies.


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