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Showing posts from November, 2011

Jaundice Causes Symptoms and Treatment

What is Jaundice? Jaundice is a yellowing color of the skin, eyes or mucus membranes. Jaundice is also known as icterus. It is just like pigmentation which causing yellowish color over the eyes and the skin. It is caused by the increase level of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a yellowish pigment which breakdown from hemoglobin and elimination of red blood cells in the body. The color of skin is depend on the level of bilirubin when it is in middle level then they are yellowish, when bilirubin in high level they tend to be brown. Three types of jaundice: Hepatocellular jaundice : It occurs with a result of liver disease. Hemolytic jaundice : Occurs with a result of hemolysis which increases in production of bilirubin. Obstructive jaundice: In this condition there is blockage of the flow of bile out of the liver. Causes of jaundice : Common cause is when too much bilirubin builds up in the body that may result jaundice. Our body replaced red blood cell with new one processed by l...

Tremor Causes Symptoms and Treatment

Tremor is rhythmic muscle movement and unintentional involving to-and-fro movements may affect the muscles of any part of the body which result of irregular or alternating contraction of muscles. A tremor is common of all movements often noticed in hands, arms, face, voice, heads and legs. Tremor can happen at any age of people but most common in older people. Tremor is not a life threatening problem make harder to perform daily task. We can understand the tremor according to the types: Resting or static tremor : It occurs when muscles are resting and occurs in patients with Parkinson's disease. Postural or action tremor : It occur any type of movement of an affected body part like when you are holding a cup, writing, holding your arms. Intention (ataxic) tremor : Occurs when the limb is directed towards a particular target and tremor becomes exaggerated. Kinetic tremor : Occurs during the movement of body part. Isometric Tremor : Occurs when muscles contractions not accompanied ...

Asterixis Causes Symptoms and Treatment

What is Asterixis? Asterixis is a type of movement disorder characterized by arrhythmic flexion movements of hands evoked by dorsiflexion of the wrists and outstretched arms. It is an involuntary tremor of the wrist loss of sustained contraction of the arms against ones will. It is produced by lapse of sustained posture. Mainly it causing hand tremors and the tremor occurs in both wrists and is not rhythmic characterized by metacarpophalangeal joints, jerky, irregular movements at the wrist and often accompanied by lateral movements of the fingers. Sometime this condition is called liver flap because it indicate brain damage or liver damage. Asterixis might be caused by kidney problems. Causes of Asterixis : The common cause of asterixis is liver failure or it might be caused by the problems of kidney failure. This is called azotemia. Kidneys have trouble in filtering out nitrogen-based compounds. Other causes are DRUGS (ABC) like alcohol, anticonvulsant phenytoin and carbamazepine, ...

Dysentery Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Dysentery? Dysentery is a disease which involving the inflammation disorder of the intestine particularly the colon. It is an infection of the digestive system that causes abdomen cramps and diarrhea characterized by inflammation of the bowels and affects the body significantly. Dysentery spread in humans through combination of food and water. If it is untreated then it becomes life-threatening especially when infected person does not remove fluids. There are two types of dysentery: Amoebic Dysentery : Amebic dysentery is most common in tropical region and caused by a parasite called the Entamoeba histolytic, which produces ulceration and inflammation with severe diarrhea. Spread through water, fruit and vegetables. Bacillary Dysentery : This type of dysentery is caused by bacilli excreted through contaminated food and water. 80% of the children acquire bacillary dysentery and high in the age is it is not treated. Causes of Dysentery : Dysentery can have lots of causes. The m...

Eclampsia Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Eclampsia? Eclampsia is a serious condition occurring immediately or during after pregnancy. It is hypertension disorder affect only women normally preceded by a collection of circulatory disturbances which results seizures or coma but are not due to preexisting or organic brain disorders. It can occur at any stage during the time of pregnancy. Eclampsia is a life-threatening complication of pregnancy cause death of the mother and baby. Almost all pregnancy becomes complicated by high blood pressure. Causes of Eclampsia : Exact cause of eclampsia is does not know some researcher aspect due to insufficient of blood flow causes the problem. Other risk factor is: Previous history of preeclampsia Blood vessels Genetic factors Vision changes, rapid weight gain First and teenage pregnancy History of blood pressure and diabetes Swelling in the brain Bleeding from small arteries All these factors increase the risk of eclampsia. Different...

Paraplegia Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Paraplegia? Paraplegia is that condition which is used to define the body loss movement sensory function or impairment in motor which is usually caused by damage of the spinal cord injury or congenital condition. In this disease both legs and arms are affected. The result is loss movement and feeling. Spinal canal area which is affected in paraplegia is lumbar, thoracic or sacral regions. Paraplegia is defining the paralysis which affects only the lower half of the body. Causes of Paraplegia : The common cause of paraplegia is damage to the spinal cord or from vehicle accidents, sports injury, injury to the nervous system, infection, genetic disorder, spinal tumors, stroke, compression of the spinal cord which resulting swelling and inflammation. Differential Diagnosis of paraplegia : There several differential diagnosis which is found by Trauma Causes, infectious disorder, development disorder, anemia, acute infection(paralysis) and stroke. Symptoms of Paraplegia : The sym...

Mitral Stenosis Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Mitral Stenosis? Mitral Stenosis is relative to heart disease in which the heart's mitral valve is narrowed (stenotic). It is a heart valve disorder which involves the mitral valve which separates the two left chambers of the heart and the left ventricle and the left atrium which can reduce the amount of blood which supplies the body. This abnormal valve blocking blood flow and pumping chamber of heart then mitral valve becomes thickened and immobile. The mitral valve is mainly caused by an infection called rheumatic fever that can cause significant cardiac problems. Causes of Mitral Stenosis : Almost the mitral stenosis is caused by congenital heart disease, infection of the heart valves or a rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever may damage the mitral valve or may cause the leaflets of the mitral valve to fuse somewhat together, Other condition which increase the risk of mitral stenosis are family history, stroke, body stresses, cardiac disorders, radiation treatment to the...

Cardiomyopathy Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Cardiomyopathy? Cardiomyopathy is the disease of heart muscle. In this the heart muscle becomes thick, enlarged, weaker or rigid, less able to pump through the body and not able to maintain regular rhythm which leads to irregular heartbeats, heart failure, disability or death. Cardiomyopathy can cause high blood pressure or heart attacks. Types of cardiomyopathy are: Dilated cardiomyopathy : Dilated cardiomyopathy is condition in which heart becomes large and weak and cannot pump blood effectively. It mostly occurs in adult. Men are more affected then women. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy : In this Cardiomyopathy heart becomes thick and stiff. This is usually passed through families. Sometime it leading cause in younger people. Restrictive cardiomyopathy:It occurs when heart become stiff and cannot fill with blood. Some features are similar to h...

Blood Pressure Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Blood Pressure? Blood pressure is a serious disease which force of blood against the walls of arteries is called blood pressure. The blood put a force against the blood vessels. Blood pressure is also called hypertension. It is not only affect your blood vessels and heart but also the other organs. When anyone is suffer from high blood pressure then blood vessels become narrower and heart become harder to move blood through your body. Types of hypertension: Essential Hypertension : Life style increases the risk of this hypertension. Secondary hypertension : It is caused by other condition like kidney problems, diabetes ( About Diabetes ) or tumors. Labile Hypertension : It is by stress or emotions. White Coat Hypertension : It is caused by stress level or anxiety ( About Anxiety ). In this condition person have the blood pressure higher than normal. Isolated Systolic Hypertension : It occurs in those people who...

Arrhythmia Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What Is an Arrhythmia? Arrhythmia is a problem of heart with an irregular heartbeat such as heart can beat too slowly, too fast and too early. An arrhythmias is a disorder of heart rhythm occurs when the electrical impulses in your heart that coordinate your heartbeats are not working properly and the heart beat become too fast and too slow. When the heart rate is too fast that is called tachycardias and slow arrhythmias is called bradycardias. When a single heartbeat occurs is called premature contraction. Sometime it becomes life-threatening problem. Some heart arrhythmias are harmless because of irregular heartbeats. Causes of Arrhythmias : The electrical impulses your hearts that coordinate your heartbeats are not working properly cause the heart to contact. It occurs when the heart's natural pacemaker develops an abnormal rhythm or rate. When a heartbeat is occur then smaller atria and the less muscular contract and fill the relaxed ventricles with blood. Other risk factors...