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Food Poisoning Causes Symptoms and Treatment

What is Food Poisoning?                                                                  
Food Poisoning is very common disease yet distressing, usually mild and sometimes life-threatening infection affects millions of people in the United States each year. Food poisoning also known as food borne disease contains a toxin, infectious, chemical and cause symptoms in the body. Food Poisoning is a wide variety of disease caused by beverages or ingesting food with harmful bacteria or viruses. More than 250 diseases can cause food poising, people can die as a result of food poisoning, can occur at any age of people.

Causes of Food Poisoning : Food poisoning may affect one person or a group of people who ate the same contaminated food. Commonly it occurs after eating at restaurants, picnics, school cafeterias or in a function.

Germs in to the food may affect like:
Meat comes into contact with bacteria
Water that is used can contain human or animal waste.
Any Food prepared by Dirty hand.
Raw fish or oysters
Dairy products or Foods have been out of the refrigerator too long
Undercooked eggs or meats

Different type of Germs can cause food poisoning like:
Fish poisoning
Campylobacter enteritis

The causes can be divided into two categories:
Infectious agents include parasites, viruses and bacteria
Toxic agents include improperly prepared food, vegetables and fruits

Symptoms of Food Poisoning: Symptoms of food poisoning begins after eating contaminated food usually start within 2 - 6 hours of eating the food. Symptoms can develop rapidly, slowly or worsening over days to weeks. Some common symptoms are:
Abdominal cramps
Blood in the stools
Headache, Fatigue
Blood in your bowel movements
Difficulty speaking
Signs of dehydration, weakness

Precautions from Food Poisoning:
Do not keeps cooked food in room temperature for longer
Not eating wild or unknown mushrooms
Not drinking untreated water
All utensils should be washed in hot soapy water
Wash hand before eating the food
Prevent food from being contaminated

Treatment of Food Poisoning: If anyone have experience of these symptoms then immediately contact with local health department or health specialist doctor. Your health care will examine the symptoms and tests may be done on your stools. Physical examination, sign and tests may begin like blood test to know more about poisoning. Do not take any medicine without taking the advice of doctor. Give exact and full information to your doctor.


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