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Myeloproliferative Disorders Causes Symptoms and Treatment

What are myeloproliferative disorders?

Myeloproliferative disorders are a group of disease or a subset of bone marrow disorder. Normally in this condition the bone marrow makes too many white blood cell, red blood cell or platelets which develop in to mature blood cell over time. Myeloproliferative disorders is a serious condition, may pause certain health risk, It may affected at any age of people. Mostly men are affected more likely than women. The myeloid stem is developing in to three type of blood cell like:

Red blood cell that carry oxygen
White blood cell fight from disease and infection
Platelets help to prevent bleeding by causing blood clots.

There are four types of myeloproliferative disorder which include:

Polycythemia vera: It is a kind of disorder involving the red blood cells or erythrocyteso, occurs when the bone marrow produces too many blood cells. They cause the swell, itching all over the body. More than 95% of people carry the blood mutation.

Essential thrombocytosis: Essential thrombocytosis increased number of megakaryocytes, precursor to platelets. It was a clonal disorder that involved pluripotent stem cells occurs when body produce too many blood cell. Symptoms include headache, burning or throbbing pain, stroke or heart attack.

Agnogenic myeloid metaplasia: Agnogenic myeloid metaplasia is a chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis arising from the neoplastic transformation, leading to excess fibrous tissue in the marrow. The red blood cells enter the blood stream and causing anemia.

Chronic myelogenous: It leads to an leads to an overproduction of myelocytes that produces abnormal granulocytes, white blood cells in the bone marrow. Symptoms include weight loss, fatigue, fever, anemia etc.

Causes of myeloproliferative disorder: myeloproliferative disorder consist several diseases and caused by overproduction of one or more types of cells. Some causes like abnormalities in blood clotting and enlargement of the spleen. Some causes include:
Environment: It may result from an overexposure to radiation, chemicals or electrical wiring.
It may happen at any age.
Mostly the causes of this disease are unknown..

Symptoms of myeloproliferative disorder: All types of myeloproliferative disorder have its own symptoms. Symptoms can be seen in these diseases are:

• Weight loss
• Fatigue
• Fullness in the stomach
• Blood clots include heart attacks, stroke or swelling in the legs.
• Disturbances in vision
• Pale skin
• Black and blue or pin-sized spots on the skin

Symptoms of essential thrombocythemia

• Headaches
• Redness and pain in the extremities
• Weakness
• Throbbing pain

Symptoms of polycythemia vera:
• Headaches
• High blood pressure
• Ulcers
• Pain in the chest
• Cramping pains or weakness


• Eat fresh fruit and vegetables like blueberries, cherries, squash and tomatoes
• Avoid refined foods and junk food.
• Drink plenty of water.
• Green tea is beneficial
• Eat old-water fish or fewer red meats
• Do Exercise regularly

Treatment of myeloproliferative disorder: Doctors will take the tests and examine the bone marrow and blood tests to find the number of red or white blood cells, cytogenetic analysis views blood or bone marrow. Treatment includes therapies like:
Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is uses drugs to kill extra blood cells.
Radiation Therapy: uses high-energy X-rays and give relief from the symptoms of disorder. In this therapy machine is used outside the body to the radiation.
Biological Therapy: In this therapy material is used to restore the body's immune system.
Surgery: Surgeries are prescribed by doctor to remove the spleen.

According to the type of myeloproliferative disorder doctor will diagnose the disease. Take proper treatment to correct the abnormal blood counts.


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