What is Porphyria?
Porphyria is the group of genetic disorder passes through family and affects the nervous system or both. Each type of porphyria is caused when body makes a substance called heme. Heme is an iron-rich molecule which is found throughout the body, especially in bone narrow and in your blood which carries oxygen to the entire body. When heme is not produce properly, then body build chemical is called porphyria. There are two categories of porphyrias:
Acute porphyrias: Acute porphyrias is very rare usually cause stomach pain and affect the nervous system which occur sporadically, abdominal pain, , cramping, vomiting, numbness or tingling and mental disorders. This form is most common in women than in men.
Cutaneous porphyrias: It is frequently present in the nerve system, cause an enzyme deficiency in the liver and affect the skin. Symptoms include swelling and blister when skin exposed in sunlight.
Causes of Porphyria: Porphyria is group of disorder which is caused by production of a substance called heme. Heme is part of hemoglobin this chemical found in your blood, tissues and liver. Porphyria is caused from parent to children. Other risk factors are environmental factor like smoking, dieting, Stress, physical stress, infections, family history, abnormal genes-one from each parent, menstrual hormones and genetic factors.
Symptoms of porphyria: Mainly porphyria influences the nervous system. Some common symptoms are sickness, mental instability, and sometime depressions. Some symptoms are depending on the type of porphyria you have. Acute porphyria originates in nervous system symptoms are:
Abdominal Pain
Liver problem
Anxiety (About Anxiety)
Nausea and vomiting
Rapid breathing and difficulty in breathing
Constipation (About Constipation) and Diarrhea (About Diarrhea)
Insomnia (About Insomnia)
Sweating, red urine
High blood pressure
Changes in mood, behavior or personality
Cutaneous porphyrias Symptoms:
It cause skin symptoms like
Blisters, Red urine
Swelling and itching
Precaution for porphyria:
Avoid sunlight and use sunscreen when go outside.
Avoid alcohol; eat fresh and high carbohydrate diet
Avoid drugs and medicine which create complications.
Treatment for porphyria: For the best treatment of porphyria consult by your physical they will suggest good treatment according to the type of porphyria. If anyone has cutaneous porphyrias then avoid sunlight and use medications. If anyone has acute attacks then several treatments to control it like Fluid or carbohydrates, pain medicines, alcohol, drugs treat your plan by your best health care provider; doctor will take some test to check the iron levels or viral infections. Best treatment will help to minimize the complications like Gallstones(http://www.doctorsend.info/2011/06/gallstones-causes-symptoms-and.html), Coma, paralysis (About paralysis) and other skin infections.
Porphyria is the group of genetic disorder passes through family and affects the nervous system or both. Each type of porphyria is caused when body makes a substance called heme. Heme is an iron-rich molecule which is found throughout the body, especially in bone narrow and in your blood which carries oxygen to the entire body. When heme is not produce properly, then body build chemical is called porphyria. There are two categories of porphyrias:
Acute porphyrias: Acute porphyrias is very rare usually cause stomach pain and affect the nervous system which occur sporadically, abdominal pain, , cramping, vomiting, numbness or tingling and mental disorders. This form is most common in women than in men.
Cutaneous porphyrias: It is frequently present in the nerve system, cause an enzyme deficiency in the liver and affect the skin. Symptoms include swelling and blister when skin exposed in sunlight.
Causes of Porphyria: Porphyria is group of disorder which is caused by production of a substance called heme. Heme is part of hemoglobin this chemical found in your blood, tissues and liver. Porphyria is caused from parent to children. Other risk factors are environmental factor like smoking, dieting, Stress, physical stress, infections, family history, abnormal genes-one from each parent, menstrual hormones and genetic factors.
Symptoms of porphyria: Mainly porphyria influences the nervous system. Some common symptoms are sickness, mental instability, and sometime depressions. Some symptoms are depending on the type of porphyria you have. Acute porphyria originates in nervous system symptoms are:
Abdominal Pain
Liver problem
Anxiety (About Anxiety)
Nausea and vomiting
Rapid breathing and difficulty in breathing
Constipation (About Constipation) and Diarrhea (About Diarrhea)
Insomnia (About Insomnia)
Sweating, red urine
High blood pressure
Changes in mood, behavior or personality
Cutaneous porphyrias Symptoms:
It cause skin symptoms like
Blisters, Red urine
Swelling and itching
Precaution for porphyria:
Avoid sunlight and use sunscreen when go outside.
Avoid alcohol; eat fresh and high carbohydrate diet
Avoid drugs and medicine which create complications.
Treatment for porphyria: For the best treatment of porphyria consult by your physical they will suggest good treatment according to the type of porphyria. If anyone has cutaneous porphyrias then avoid sunlight and use medications. If anyone has acute attacks then several treatments to control it like Fluid or carbohydrates, pain medicines, alcohol, drugs treat your plan by your best health care provider; doctor will take some test to check the iron levels or viral infections. Best treatment will help to minimize the complications like Gallstones(http://www.doctorsend.info/2011/06/gallstones-causes-symptoms-and.html), Coma, paralysis (About paralysis) and other skin infections.
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