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Ringworm Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Ringworm? Ringworm is a type of highly fungal skin infections that causes ring-like red rashes on the skin. There are many type of fungal and some can affect the nails, skin and hair. It can affect adults but Children are specially affected by ringworm. These rashes may appear anywhere on the body. Dogs, pets or cats may be a source of transmitting the disease in human body. The medical term of ringworm is tinea. Causes : It is common it affect people of all ages, especially among children’s. It is caused by fungus not caused by a worm. Some of these fungus bacteria are useful while other can cause infection and spread easily from one person to another. You can get ringworm by touching an infected cat or dog. Ringworm of the scalp can spread when children share hats, brushes or combs. It can spread by sharing towels, sport gear or clothing. The fungus bacteria can spread in warm, moist areas. Sign and Symptoms: ·          Itchy red rashes on your skin ·  

Listeriosis Causes Symptoms and Treatments

What is Listeriosis? Listeriosis is an illness that arises from serious infection usually caused by when a person eat contaminated food with bacterium listeria. Infection is uncommon but most frequently affect pregnant women, newborn, adult and old people whose immunity is weak. In pregnant women this infection causes miscarriage. It cause wide range of infection include pneumonia, osteomyelitis and meningitis. Causes of Listeriosis : Listeria bacteria can be found in water, soil, plants, decaying vegetation and animal feces. Contamination can occur at any point in the distribution, farming and food distribution. Some factors are: Raw vegetables that can contaminated from the soil or from manure used as fertilizer. Raw milk product made from raw milk Certain process food- hot dogs, deli meats, soft cheese that have contaminated Most often this bacteria cause gastrointestinal illness, skin lesion and abscesses. In some causes you can develop inflammation or blood infection.

Tips of Reducing Dandruff

What are Dandruff? Hair dandruff is a common long time problem but not a life threatening problem. More than 60% of people are facing this problem. Dandruff is a condition skin cells flaking off your scalp. Exact cause of dandruff is not yet agreed but it may be a lack of confidence, hormonal imbalance, sleep, anxiety and self-esteem. There are number of ways to reduce the risk of dandruff some effective treatment and strategies are available. 1) Massage your scalp with aloe Vera leaves and let remain for an hour. 2) Prepare a mixture of lime juice and vinegar. Massage thoroughly into scalp and hair. 3) If you have oily scalp wash your everyday and if you have dry scalp wash your hair 3 days in a week. 4) To reduce dandruff massages your scalp with coconut oil for 30 minutes at least 2 times in a week. 5) Consider your diet eat healthy and balance diet which include green vegetables and fresh fruit which provide a sufficient supply of nutrients. 6) Make a mixture of one cup

How to Lose Weight Easily

You can't wear your tight t-shirt or your favorite dress. Feel awkward when you stand in front of mirror. Tummy problem can be happen with both men and women. You have been missing your daily routine due to your busy schedule. You have definitely understood that quick weight loss is impossible. The best way to lose weight is slowly. Let's go to the easiest way to reduce your tummy fat. 1) Exercise: Exercises is the first priority, you can use some weight machines, gym equipment's which help to reduce tummy fat. Do jogging or cycling, jumping and dancing. 2) Yoga Exercise: Yoga is very beneficial bot only for your tummy even for all over the diseases or health problem. Pawanmukhtasana is help to reduce tummy fat. Paad-pashchimottanasan helps to reduce abdominal fat and wind from the intestines. 3) Heavy dieting is worst option to reduce your weight even this lead to lack of vitamins in your body. So, never skip your breakfast, Eat several meal instead of large meal

Phobia Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

What is Phobia? We all know that everyone has a fear and afraid, for most people these fears are minor and some time it become tremendous anxiety for your life. Phobia is one of those problems it is an irrational fear and fear can be from any type like fear of road travel, from specific situation, animals or from medical situations. A phobia is a kind of anxiety disorder, usually it evident between the ages of 15 and 20 years and affected both male and female. The good news for phobia is that it can be cure or managed. Some specific types of phobias are: Specific Phobia : Involve fear about specific situations, height, living creatures, places, specific objects or activities. Complex Phobia : Social phobia and agoraphobia are known as complex phobia. A fear of flying or a person may be afraid from crashing, loosing self control etc. Agoraphobia : A fear from the market places, open spaces, being alone at home, inescapable place or situation. Social Phobias : A person fee

Acne Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

What is Acne? Acne is a common disease related to skin condition that causes zits or pimples. Anyone can get acne but it is most common in young, teenagers and adults. This includes blackheads, whiteheads and red inflamed patches of skin. Pimples occurs when your hair follicles under your skin or plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Mostly pimples appear on your face, back, chest, neck and shoulders. There are various types of pimples: Whiteheads: Looks very small and remain under the skin. Blackheads : They are clearly visible, black and appear on the surface of skin. Papules: They are usually pink, small bumps and visible on the surface of skin. Pustules: They are red and have pus at the top and visible on the surface of the skin. Cysts: They are painful and filled with pus. Nodules: They are large, painful and solid painful and clearly visible on the skin. Causes of Acne: Some causes are: Over production of oil can block your follicles and